Selasa, 31 Maret 2009

When we are together....

English Society Festival 2009

UKM-U English Society (ESo) of Lampung University proudly presents English Society Festival 2009 (E-Fest 2009), the most unique and newest English competition system in Lampung, with the theme “Lighting the Path Uniquely to the Glory.” We would like to invite your institution to participate in this event which is going to be held

Day/Date : Saturday-Sunday, May 30-31, 2009
Time : 09:00 A.M. to finish
Place : FKIP, Lampung University

There will be four competitions, Debate, Story Telling, Scrabble and Speech. Being planned to be done annually, we are also searching for the most trophies gained by one institution to be crowned as the best English Speaking Institution.

Last but not least, it is an honor for us if your institution can participate in this prestigious competition. We are looking forward to your excitement at the day of the competition. Thank you.

English Society Festival 2009

1.Debate Competition
Format of the competition
British Parliamentary (BP) is going to be employed in this competition. Though it is familiar in Java, this may not be a common system in Lampung because we even are the first competition organizer who tries to use BP system in this province. Due to the unfamiliarity of the participant toward the system, the committee will organize debate seminar and exhibition one day before the competition is held or at the same day with the technical meeting day. It’s time for us to learn together how it works and please do trust us that it will be a new challenge and experience for all of you. There will be 3 preliminary rounds, 1 quarter final round, 1 semifinal round and 1 grand final round. Detail information is on technical meeting day.
Anybody is welcome to join this competition. One team consists of 2 people and no additional adjudicator needed from each team. We are not going to limit your age, your academic status, and your institution. A teacher can be in one team with his student, a coach of debate can be in one team with a professor even from UCLA or Harvard University, a high school student can be in one team with student from another school, etc. However, if you want to bring the name of your institution, the team from one institution is limited to only 3 teams. We welcome 34 teams on first come first served basis.
IDR 60000 each team
Tournament Director Mei Dianita (081389749338)
Liaison Officer Gesika SEC
Chief of Adjudication Madlias (085272116648)
Deputy Chief of Adjudication Intan Fitri Meutia, S.A.N. (081369694554)

2.Story Telling Contest
Format of the competition
There will be two rounds in this contest. At the first round, a team, consisting of 2 people, has to prepare one story and submit 3 copies of their story to the committee at the day of the technical meeting day. A person has to tell the story first. If the committee claps his hand, the second person has to continue and vice versa. The committee will clap his hand whenever he likes so both participants must master and be really ready to continue his friend’s story. Then, if the number of the participant is more than 20, 10 best teams will compete to the Grand Final Round. But if less than 20, 6 best teams only who will go to the Grand Final Round. The Grand Final Round will be impromptu story. Two teams will compete here on the stage. It will be begun with a paragraph read by committee. The first participant from the first team has to continue telling the story based on their imagination. The time given is one minute. After one minute, the committee will give a sign that the time for the first participant is over. The second participant has to continue the story in another one minute. Therefore, the first participant from another team has to continue and so on. Every participant from each team will get 3 chances to be on the stage. The last participant has to make the ending and tell the moral value of the story.
Each team consists of 2 people. However again, this competition is open to everybody. This is really for general. We are not going to limit your academic background, your status, and your age. A teacher can be in one team with his student, a coach can be in one team with a professor, a high school student can be in one team with student from another school, etc. However, if you want to bring the name of your institution, the team from one institution is limited to only 3 teams. We welcome 30 teams on first come first served basis.
IDR 40000 each team
Tournament Director Efelina Dewi Novita
Liaison Officer Ledia Nurmalini
Chief of Adjudication Balqis Nur Kemala Sari

3.Scrabble Competition
This is also general for everyone who is interested in taking a part in our scrabble competition. We will not make the limitation of anything like three other competitions here. Everyone is invited but there should be only 3 teams from one institution. The quota is 32 teams.
IDR 50000 each team
Tournament Director Indah Pratiwi
Liaison Officer Rizka Mahardika (085279677272)
Chief of Adjudication Robby Swandanu LSC (08975437738)

4.Speech Contest
Format of the competition
There will be two rounds in this competition. For the first round, all participants are given the freedom to choose their own topic based on the list given by committee at the day of the registration. Therefore, they have to submit 3 copies of the text of their speech to the committee at the day of the technical meeting day. They will have 10 minutes to present their topics in front of the judges. Then, if the number of the participant is more than 20, 10 best participants will compete to the Grand Final Round. But if less than 20, 5 best participants only who will go to the Grand Final Round. The topic in the Grand Final Round will be given after the announcement of the grand finalists and the participants will only have 30 minutes to prepare for the speech.
The competition is again open to everyone. Even a lecturer, an English teacher, a student, an alumni, etc are welcomed. But please do remember, we limit 3 participants from one institution. Our quota is 30 participants, so please be hurry to make sure your seat is safe.
IDR 40000 per participant
Tournament Director Aparel Sheka Risdanty (085669645026)
Liaison Officer Myra Desmayenni (081540853451)
Chief of Adjudication Kristian Adi Putra

Place : UKM-U ESo’s Homebase (Gedung Puskom Unila lantai dasar)
Date : April 6, 2009-May 28, 2009
Time : 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
If you are from out of Bandar Lampung, you have an option to transfer the registration fee. (a. n. KRISTIAN ADI PUTRA, Bank Bukopin Kantor Capem Teluk Betung,Nomor Rekening 0503006636) Download the registration form on or send an email to to ask for the registration form. Fill the registration form completely. Scan the registration form and the receipt of your money transfer to Bring the original one on the technical meeting day.

Technical Meeting
Place : C Building of FKIP of the University of Lampung
Day/Date : Friday, May 29, 2009
Time : 2:00 P.M.

Contact Person
Hendra Putra Turnip (Chief of Registration Affair)
Kristian Adi Putra (The General Leader of English Society)

Further Information:

Jumat, 27 Maret 2009

ESo English Festival 2009

This is not about the dream from the vice rector III nor the founding father of English Society to make ESo good internally and externally. Therefore, I do welcome everybody to succed this program because we all know that it is our dream together.

Duta Muda ASEAN 2009

Dalam rangka memasyarakatkan ASEAN dan membangun kesiapan kaum muda menghadapi terbentuknya Komunitas ASEAN 2015, Direktorat Jenderal Kerjasama ASEAN Departemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia kembali menggelar Pemilihan Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia (PDMAI) tahun 2009.

Akan dipilih sepasang pemudi/pemuda yang mampu memainkan peran sebagai duta-duta ASEAN sekaligus duta bangsa guna memperkenalkan dan mendekatkan ASEAN kepada generasi muda di tanah air, mempromosikan Indonesia dan ASEAN kepada masyarakat internasional melalui berbagai kegiatan kepemudaan di tingkat bilateral, regional maupun internasional, dan menjadi wakil Departemen Luar Negeri dalam berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan kaum muda.

I. Kriteria Peserta:

* Warga Negara Indonesia;
* mahasiswi/mahasiswa berprestasi;
* memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimum 2,5 untuk jenjang setingkat S-1 atau dibawahnya (D-3 atau D-2), dan IPK 2,75 untuk mahasiswa jenjang S-2;
* berwawasan luas dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang Indonesia, ASEAN, dan daerahnya;
* berpenampilan menarik dengan tinggi dan berat badan proporsional;
* mempunyai pengalaman dalam berorganisasi;
* mempunyai kemampuan di bidang seni dan budaya;
* menguasai Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris atau bahasa asing lainnya;
* kreatif dan inovatif; dan mau bekerjasama;
* berusia tidak lebih dari 26 tahun;
* bersedia dan sanggup mengikuti seluruh rangkaian kegiatan seleksi yang ditetapkan oleh panitia penyelenggara.

II. Prosedur Pendaftaran

Peserta diwajibkan mengirimkan kelengkapan berkas pendaftaran yang terdiri dari:

1. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi lengkap (download here (pdf 56 kb)
2. Salinan kartu identitas (KTP/Paspor) yang masih berlaku
3. Salinan Kartu Mahasiswa yang masih berlaku
4. Foto berwarna tanpa rekayasa ukuran kartu pos: close up, seluruh badan tampak depan, dan seluruh badan tampak samping, masing-masing sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar
5. Karya tulis dengan tema "Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia 2009: The Role of Youth in Building theASEAN Community 2015" dalam Bahasa Inggris tidak lebih dari 2 halaman A4, huruf Arial 11, diketik 1 spasi;
6. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae)
7. Salinan transkrip IPK terakhir
8. (Copy) bukti prestasi pendukung (jika ada)

Seluruh dokumen pendaftaran disusun sesuai urutan di atas dalam amplop tertutup bertuliskan "PDMAI 2009" di sebelah kiri atas, dan dikirimkan ke:

Panitia Pemilihan Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia 2009

C.q. Direktorat Kerjasama Fungsional ASEAN
Departemen Luar Negeri RI,
Jl. Taman Pejambon No. 6, Gedung Utama Lantai 8
Jakarta Pusat, 10110

selambat-lambatnya tanggal 23 Mei 2009 (cap pos).

Panitia tidak memungut biaya apapun dalam proses pendaftaran peserta.

III. Proses Seleksi

Seleksi Tahap I: kelengkapan administrasi dan penilaian berdasarkan berkas pendaftaran yang diterima Panitia.

Seleksi Tahap II: uji kemampuan dan wawancara tahap pertama.
Seleksi tahap ini dibagi dalam tiga wilayah seleksi:

* Wilayah I, meliputi Sumatera, Jawa dan sekitarnya
* Wilayah II, meliputi Kalimantan, Bali, Nusa Tenggara dan sekitarnya
* Wilayah III, meliputi Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua dan sekitarnya

Seleksi Tahap III: wawancara tahap II untuk memilih 10 pasang finalis.

Seleksi Tahap IV: karantina dan grand final untuk memilih satu pasang Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia 2009.

IV. Hadiah

Para pemenang PDMAI 2009 akan mendapatkan kesempatan mewakili Indonesia dalam berbagai kegiatan kepemudaan di tingkat internasional, dan memperoleh piagam serta hadiah-hadiah hiburan.

V. Pengumuman

Peserta-peserta yang berhasil lolos ke Seleksi Tahap II akan diumumkan pada minggu kedua bulan Juni 2009 melalui situs Departemen Luar Negeri: www.deplu.go. id.
Dalam hal ini Keputusan Panitia adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

VI. Informasi lebih lanjut

Pertanyaan mengenai pengisian formulir ataupun kelengkapan dokumen pendaftaran lainnya dapat disampaikan kepada Panitia melalui email: http://panitiapdmai 2009@yahoo. com ataupun pesawat telp.: 021-3509061 (pada jam kerja).

Untuk mengetahui Informasi mengenai kegiatan-kegiatan Duta Muda ASEAN-Indonesia terdahulu, dapat membuka situs DMAI:

Jumat, 06 Maret 2009



just wanna post this as a prank !!

just wanna say that eso is the best !!

here r some of our narsistic photos !





ON February 14 – 15 th , all Of eso’s Members had a trial in A local competition in Unila Called EEA ,

This competition was a good place to try members’ skill,

“Good place to do Rehearsal”

From first time we know that though this is not big competition but it was good enough to prepare our mentality for ALSA , IVED , and other big competition

And Here ARE The Documentation .


Remember EEA is only a Rehearsal 4 u ,
The real Competition R waiting 4 U

InternAL Competition

AWESOME , It was a COMPLETELY AMAZING and Hectic damn Day

And to be honest I really want To express My Thanks To mr hendra , mr madlias , and miss IntAN wHo WanTed TO sPEND Ur TiMe 2 mAKe ESO’S pROGRAm rUN well

Coz before this intercom started I felt Both exciting and scary,

I gotta say it was pretty “GOSH-DARNED NIFTY”

and here R the documentation

Frankly I can That this internal competition was one of successful program in eso


Hi Guys , eSPecially Esoers , Finally I got A free Time To write a bolg again !

TherE Have been many kinds of activities that had been done in eso such as InterNal Competition !

And HerE are Some Of tHe DocumentatioN !

Toefl Test !

Speech pErformance

Debate Performance

ANd FiNALLy certificate Time

Congratulation esoers
After you have an amazing Proccess in eso , finally the program ended