Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015


THW assess students on individual academic development instead of standardized examination results.
THBT schools should avoid instilling a sense of patriotism.
THW ban all school events that consist of online games tournament (eg. Dota, point blank, etc) for students.

THBT as an attractive educated women, we would choose to marry for money than pursue career.
In case to fulfill their CSR, THBT company should only provide schoolarship based on intelligent, ability, and talent compared to level of financial degree.
THBT feminist movement should exclude activist who argue that transwomen are not women.

THW impose a high tax on unhealthy foods.
THBT the EU should immadiately forgives all Greece’s debt.
TH regrets the rising of sharing economy (E.g: Airbnb, Uber, Go-Jek)

THW prohibit the media from reporting on the private lives of any person without their explicit permission
THBT Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy should allocate substantial amount of subsidy to incentivize creative industries (eg. cineas and musicians) that produce children needs (eg. Movies and songs).
THBT net anonymity brings more harm than good.

THW make the salary of politicians equal to the per capita income of the country
TH support simultaneous regional head elections
This House would abolish the monarchy.

THBT Hong Kong should not extend citizenship to children born in Hong Kong whose parents are not Hong Kong citizenship.
THBT the struggle against ISIS should be conducted solely by Middle East nations.
THW not allow individuals to opt into a one-way mission to Mars with the Mars One Project.

Adjudication Core:
Hartati (UKM-U English Society Universitas Lampung)
Atika Dian Purwandani(UKM-U English Society Universitas Lampung)

Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2015


I.               Competition Format

Speech Competition LOVE-Comp 2015 consists of 3 rounds: preliminary round, semi final round and final round.

1.     The Preliminary Round (Prepared Speech)
a.     The Participants will make their original speech in connection with theme  “your goal in life”
b.     The participants should prepare their own speech. Content of speech should be original, but citation of the data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
c.     There will be question and answer session after the participants end the speech.
d.     No slide, video, or overhead project is allowed.
e.     The participants should not bring and read the text, but small outline paper is allowed (maximal 5cm x 7cm)
f.      For the preliminary round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech and submit it before technical meeting.

2.     Semi Final (Prepared Speech)
a.     The participants will make their original speech.
b.     The theme of this round is “the real champion”
c.     The participants who have performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage.
d.     There will be question and answer session after the participants end the speech.
e.     Content of speech should be original, but citation for data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
f.      The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.
g.     For the semifinal round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech.

3.     Final Round (Impromptu Speech)
a.     The participants will receive the same theme that is given by the committee. The theme will be given spontaneously and they must be prepared in the room.
b.     When the first participant is getting the theme and preparing for the speech, the rest of participants should stay outside the room.
c.     Before being called to the stage, the other participants is not allowed to leave the quarantine room by any reason and should not use any gadget to prepare the speech and communicate with the people outside.
d.     The participant who has performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage, but not allowed to come to quarantine room.
e.     There will be question and answer session after the participant end the speech and only one question for each participant.
f.      Content of speech should be original, but citation for data or research is allowed and should not be the major content
g.     The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.

II.             Rules
1.     All participants should wear dress formally: there are no jeans, no sandals, or slippery, no short pants, and no t-shirt
2.     All participants must attend the technical meeting
3.     Participants must take their number of order of appearance for the preliminary round in the technical meeting
4.     During the whole rounds, the participants are not allowed to enter or out of the room without any permission from the committee.
5.     The participants will be disqualified if he / she does not appear after being called three times in the quarantine room.
6.     The competition will take place in UNILA
7.     During the performance of each contestant, the audience is not allowed to get out of the room or talk because it can disturb concentration and focus of the competition.
8.     Please switch of your gadget that may produce disturbing sounds during the competition.
9.     The judges’ decision is final and cannot be altered by anyone else.
10.  Participants should keep the venue clean.
11.  Additional rules and regulations that are not mentioned yet might be added by the committee and will be discussed during the technical meeting.

III.           Speech Timing
1.     The Preliminary Round
a.     Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 7 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 7.20 minutes will get deduction point (3 points for each 15 seconds)
b.     Timing will start when the participant is uttering the first word on the stage.
c.     Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes.
-       A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
-       A blue flag will be displayed at the fifth minute
-       A black flag will be displayed at the seventh minute and remains until 20 seconds.
-       The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

2.     The Semi Final Round
a.     Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 6 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 6.20 minutes will get deduction point.
b.     Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes
-       A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
-       A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
-       A black flag will be displayed at the sixth minute and remains until 20 seconds.
c.     The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

3.     Grand Final Round
a.     Participant will get 5 minutes to prepare the speech
b.     Participant may deliver their speeches for 3 to 5 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 3 minutes or more than 5.20 will get deduction point.
c.     Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes
-       A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
-       A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
-       A black flag will be displayed at the fifth minute and remains until 20 seconds
d.     The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

IV.           Scoring Criteria
1.     Performance
a.     General Appearance
b.     Body gesture
c.     Eye contact
d.     Time punctuality
2.     Content
a.     Originality
b.     Structure
3.     Clarity of speech
A. Pronunciation


 In this competition, participants will be delivering English stories in accordance with the characters in their own style. Participants are given 10 minutes for their performances. Participants are allowed to use costumes, pictures, visual aids, and any supportive materials to make their stories more interesting.
The scoring criteria of the competition are Matter (grammar, vocabulary, story substances, pronunciation) and Performance (interaction, intonation, and punctuality of time,).
LOVECOMP 2015 Story Telling Competition will be held in three rounds, preliminary round, semifinal round, and final round.
·      Preliminary round and semifinal round
Prepared stories. The participants have 10 minutes for performance.
1.     The Competition will be held in three rounds, preliminary round, semifinal round, and final round.
2.     Each participant must prepare 3 copies of their story (preliminary round and semifinal round).
3.     Preliminary round is the first round where every registered participant competes.
4.     Semifinal round is the second round where only ten participants with the highest score from preliminary round compete for Next Round (Final Round).
5.     Final round is the third and last round where only five participants with the highest score from semifinal round compete for championship.
6.     Themes for preliminary round and semifinal round are as follows:
a)    Preliminary round : Magic World
b)    Semifinal round : Fairy Tale
7.     Every rule must be followed. Disqualification is necessary for any participant who violates the rule. The judges' decision is final and no correspondence pertaining to the judging process will be reconsidered.
1.     Each participant must come at least 30 minutes before the competition begins.
2.     There will be two rooms for the participants. They are performing room and quarantine room. When the first participant is performing, the other participants have to wait in the quarantine room.
3.     The participants who have performed may be the audience or get out of the room.
4.     Every communication device must be silenced or turned off at the competition venue, unless permitted by the Committee.
5.     Recording devices are allowed within the competition venue.
6.     Supporters must not disturb any of the participant’s performance (ex: taking photo is allowed without   flash).   The   Committee   will   expel   supporters   who   violate   any   of   these   rules   from   the competition venue.
7.     None of Supporters or participants come in or out the competition venue while performances
8.     None of the participants is allowed to read any story text or keynote when delivering the story.
9.     Participants may opt to use equipments (props or costumes), at their own expense, during the delivery of their performance.
10.  Each   participant   will   be   called   three   times   in   a   row   based   on   his/her   turn   to   perform   (first chance).
11.  Participant   who   doesn’t   show   up   at   the   first   call,   three   times   in   a   row   (first   chance)   will   be called on the last turn (second chance).
12.  Participants who don’t come on the second chance will be disqualified.
13.  Equipments are as follows:
·      Participants  are  allowed  to  bring  equipments  to  enhance  their  story  telling performance, as long as they take responsibility for those equipments, the committee will   not   be   responsible   for   any   lost   or  damage  of the equipments  brought  by the participants.
·      Participants’ equipments may not consist of harmful material or object
14.  If participants still use the harmful material as the equipments while performing, he/she will be DISQUALIFIED at that time.

1.     Participants must not endanger him/herself and/or anyone else’s health.
2.     Should      the   participant     continue     to   violate    this  rule  after   being    warned,     he/she     will  be disqualified from the competition.
3.     The timekeeper as a sign for a participant to start delivering their story will raise a green flag up.
4.     A yellow flag will be raised up again on the 4th, 6th, 9th minute.
5.     A red flag will be raised up as a waning for the participants that the 10th minute time is up.
6.     15 seconds will be given as a tolerance time right after the 10th minute.
7.     The tolerance time will be a consideration for score lessening. Thus every second past the tolerance time will reduce the score.

                a.   Matter (55%)
                     - Grammar                                                          10%
                     - Vocabulary                                                      10%
                     - Story Interpretation                                        25%
                     - Pronunciation                                                  10%

                b.   Performance (45%)
                     - Interaction (stage act, eye contact,                  30%
                       costume, equipments, expressions and
                       body language)
                     - Intonation                                                        10%
                     - Time management                                            5%