Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Speech Competition


Competition Format

Speech Competition English Days consists of 3 rounds: preliminary round, semi final round and final round.

The Preliminary Round (Prepared Speech)

  1. The Participants will make their original speech in connection with theme  “The Importance of Preparing Our Selves to Face Globalization Era.
  2. The participants should prepare their own speech. Content of speech should be original, but citation of the data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
  3. No slide, video, or overhead project is allowed.
  4. The participants should not bring and read the text, but small outline paper is allowed (maximal 5cm x 7cm)
  5. For the preliminary round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech and give it to the adjudicator before come to the stage.

Semi Final (Prepared Speech)

  1. The participants will make their original speech.
  2. The theme of this round is “ Globalization is The Way to Welcoming The Modern Era”
  3. The participants who have performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage.
  4. There will be question and answer session after the participants end the speech.
  5. Content of speech should be original, but citation for data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
  6. The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.
  7. For the semi final round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech.

Final Round (Impromptu Speech)

  1. The participants will receive the same theme that is given by the committee. The theme will be given spontaneously and they must be prepared in the room.
  2. When the first participant is getting the theme and preparing for the speech, another participant  stay outside the room.
  3. Before being called to the stage, the other participants is not allowed to leave the quarantine room by any reason and should not use any gadget to prepare the speech and communicate with the people outside.
  4. The participant who has performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage, but not allowed to come to quarantine room.
  5. There will be question and answer session after the participant end the speech and only one question for each participant.
  6. Content of speech should be original.
  7. The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.


  1. All participants should wear dress formally: there are no jeans, no sandals, or slippery, no short pants, and no t-shirt
  2. All participants must attend the technical meeting 
  3. Participants must take their number of order of appearance for the preliminary round in the technical meeting
  4. During the whole rounds, the participants are not allowed to enter or out of the room without any permission from the committee.
  5. The participants will be disqualified if he / she does not appear after being called three times in the quarantine room.
  6. The competition will take place in UNILA
  7. During the performance of each contestant, the audience is not allowed to get out of the room or talk because it can disturb concentration and focus of the speaker.
  8. Please switch of your gadget that may produce disturbing sounds during the competition.
  9. The judges’ decision is final and cannot be altered by anyone else.
  10. Participants should keep the venue clean.
  11. Additional rules and regulations that are not mentioned yet might be added by the committee and will be discussed during the technical meeting.

Speech Timing
The Preliminary Round

  1. Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 7 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 7.20 minutes will get deduction point (3 points for each 15 seconds)
  2. Timing will start when the participant is uttering the first word on the stage.
  3. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes.
  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the fifth minute
  • A black flag will be displayed at the seventh minute and remains until 20 seconds.
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

The Semi Final Round

  1. Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 6 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 6.20 minutes will get deduction point.
  2. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes

  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
  • A black flag will be displayed at the sixth minute and remains until 20 seconds.
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

Final Round

  1. Participant will get 5 minutes to prepare the speech
  2. Participant may deliver their speeches for 3 to 5 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 3 minutes or more than 5.20 will get deduction point.
  3. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes.
  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
  • A black flag will be displayed at the fifth minute and remains until 20 seconds
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

Scoring Criteria
1. Performance (General Appearance, Body gesture, Eye contact, Time punctuality)
2. Content (Originality, Structure)
3. Clarity of speech (Pronunciation)

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