Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Debate Competition

Debate Competition

The debate will consist of  two teams of three persons each (persons will be known as “members”), a chairperson (known as the “Speaker of the House” or “Mister/Madame Speaker” and an adjudicator or panel of adjudicators.

Teams will consist of the following members:
The Members of the government side are the following:

  1. Prime minister (PM): Opens the debate, defines the motion and advances arguments;
  2. Deputy Prime Minister(DPM): Refute at first instance the case of the opposition, reestablish the government’s claim, and advances arguments;
  3. Government whip(GW): Makes an issue-based rebuttal of the opposition’s case and summarizes the case of the government.

The Members of the Opposition side are the following:

  1. Leader of the Opposition(LO): Responds directly to the case of the government by giving a direct clash, and advances arguments. May challenge the motion if the definition is challengeable;
  2. Deputy Leader of the Opposition(DLO): Refutes the case of the DPM, reestablishes the case of the opposition, and advances an argument;
  3. Opposition Whip (OW): Makes an issues-based rebuttal of the government’s and summarizes the case of the opposition

Members will deliver substantive speeches in the following order:

  1. Prime Minister;
  2. Opposition Leader;
  3. Deputy Prime Minister;
  4. Deputy Opposition Leader;
  5. Government Whip;
  6. Opposition Whip.
  7. Reply Speaker of Opp
  8. Reply Speaker of Govt

Members will deliver a substantive speech of seven minutes duration and should offer points of information while members of the opposing teams are speaking

  1. The debate should commence 15 minutes after the motion is announced.
  2. Teams should arrive at their debate within five minutes of the scheduled starting time for that debate.
  3. Members are permitted to use printed or written material during preparation and during the debate. Printed material includes books, journals, newspapers and other similar materials. The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during preparation and in the debate.


  • Points of Information (questions directed to the member speaking) may be asked between first minute mark and the 6-minute mark of the members’ speeches (speeches are of seven minutes duration).
  • To ask a Point of Information, a member should stand, place one hand on his or her head and extend the other towards the member speaking. The member may announce that they would like to ask a “Point of Information” or use other words to this effect. The member who is speaking may accept or decline to answer the Point of Information.
  • Points of Information should not exceed 15 seconds in length.
  • The member who is speaking may ask the person offering the Point of Information to sit down where the offeror has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard and understood.

I. Following are the time limit for each speaker (in order)

  • 1st Government Speaker (Prime Minister) : 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • 1st Opposition Speaker (Leader of Opposition): 7mins 20 Seconds
  • Government 2nd Speaker (DPM): 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • Opposition 2nd Speaker (DPL): 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • e.Government Whip Speaker (GW): 7mins 20 Seconds
  • Opposition Whip Speaker (OW) : 7 mins20 Seconds
  • Reply speech of Opposition: 4 mins 20 Seconds
  • Reply speech of Government : 4 mins 20 Seconds

Reply speeches can be given only be the 1st or 2nd speaker of both the sides. Reply speech is a comparative analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the case of both sides. The aim of the speech is to give a bias judgment as to why should the people support the team’s claim. The speech is first delivered by the opposition side and followed by the government side who will close the debate.

  • At the conclusion of the debate, the adjudicators should confer and rank the teams
  • The team that win in a round deserve getting 1 Victory Point and zero for the team that lose in a round.

The rounds will be divided in to 7 rounds. They are : 3 preliminary rounds, quarter final, semi final round, final round, third winner championship

the motion will be launched on october, 28th 2015
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