Rabu, 28 Oktober 2015

#ENGLISHDAYS 2015 Motion of Debate Competition

·             THW abolish special needs school (like LGBT)
·             THW Ban Homework
·             As school, THW actively support the campaign of safe sex education

·             THW Ban Children from Becoming Professional Models
·             In order to promote domestic local culture THBT domestic beauty pageant (e.g. Abang None Muli Mekhanai etc) is no longer in line with the purpose
·             THW oblige public figure to have local traditional wedding

·             As liberal democratic countries, THW increase of Tax Exemptions from Religious Institutions that Refuse to Recognize Marriage Equality
·             THW expel Greece from EU
·             THBT the extending contract of Freeport brings more harm than good

·             THW ban music containing lyrics that glorify violent and criminal lifestyles
·             THW not prosecute hacktivist for a political or social motivated purpose
·             THW ban the owner of news media to show political affiliation

·             THW Remove All Patents on Green Technology
·             TH regrets foreign involvements for the haze case in Indonesia
·             THW allow cloning of endangered and extinct species of animals

Adjudication Core:
Puspita Wening (UKM-U English Society Universitas Lampung)
M. Fikri Hasan (UKM-U English Society Universitas Lampung)

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2015

#ENGLISHDAYS 2015 Rules of Essay Competition


In this competition, participants will be delivering their thought in form of essay in English with the theme “Youth Innovation through Globalization Era”.

ENGLISH DAYS 2015 ESSAY COMPETITION will be held in two rounds, preliminary round, and final round.


Essays will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Creativity & originality
  • Persuasiveness
  • Grammar & spelling
  • Understanding of the theme
  • Relevancy of the content and theme

  1. Essays must be 1,000 – 1,500 words. Footnotes, citations, endnotes, and essay titles     will not be counted as part of the 1,000 – 1,500 words allotted to the applicant.
  2. Applicants must use proper grammar and spelling in the essay and will be penalized for use of improper grammar or spelling.
  3. Applicants are not permitted to include any forms of media other than plain text in their essays, such as photos, diagrams, or charts.
  4. Only one entry per student is allowed.
  5. Submit a comprehensive list of sources consulted, as well as one completed registration form. Sent to the committee’s e-mail with the format students name; address; e-mail address; name and address of high school, scanned student card and scanned paid registration proof. Before November 18th, 2015 23.59PM to borishainggit1114@gmail.com 
  6. Essays must be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced, A4, left-bottom-right-top one inches.
  7. Applicants may choose to cite external references in their essays, such as statistics or quotes. All external references must be properly cited as parenthetical citations, footnotes, or endnotes.
  8. Essays must be the original work of the applicant. Essays must neither have been entered in another competition nor have been published previously in any form or sold for publication. Essays must not contain material that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others. Any essay that violates these rules will be disqualified and any awards made for such essay will be rescinded and must be returned to the committee. All essays will be checked for plagiarism by the committee.


  1. 10 best essays of 50 essays will enter final round
  2. For selecting three best essays as the winner of this competition, 10 participants must present their essay in front of adjudicators in form of presentation of their essay as creative as participant can, the duration of the presentation will be 7 minutes for each participant.


  1. Senior High School Student and Varsity Student
  2. Indonesian
  3. Registered Participant by completing registration form and pay the fee


  1. All submitted essays become the exclusive intellectual property of UKM-U English Society Unila, and we obtains all rights to use and republish all or any part of such essays upon submission to our blog.
  2. No essays or applications will be returned to applicants.
  3. There will be confirmation for each sent essay to our contact e-mail as notification you enter this essay competition
  4. Selected participant to go to the next round will be announce at our media social, and also sent notification to e-mail of each participant

#ENGLISHDAYS 2015 Rules of Stand Up Comedy


Persyaratan Peserta

  1. Siswa/Mahasiswa aktif
  2. Bagi peserta yang mengundurkan diri, uang pendaftaran tidak bisa diambil kembali
  3. Peserta harus melakukan registrasi ulang
  4. Seluruh peserta membawa kwitansi sebagai bukti kepesertaan lomba
  5. Seluruh peserta wajib hadir diruangan 10 menit sebelum perlombaan dimulai
  6. Seluruh peserta diharapkan mengikuti technical meeting
  7. Peserta yang tidak mengikuti technical meeting dinyatakan setuju dengan semua peraturan yang ditetapkan.

Tata Tertib Perlombaan

  1. Peserta yang tidak hadir akan di DISKUALIFIKASI
  2. Peserta yang dipanggil sebanyak 3 kali tidak ada maka dinyatakan gugur
  3. Peserta dilarang menjiplak hasil stand up yang sudah ada
  4. Peserta diperbolehkan menggunakan alat properti tambahan seperti gitar dsb
  5. Peserta dilarang menggunakan kata-kata kasar, mengandung sara dan berbau pornografi
  6. Tema dari stand up comedy adalah bebas namun tidak mengandung SARA
  7. Durasi perlombaan maksimal 5 menit
  8. Berpakaian sopan dan rapih
  9. Setiap peserta harus menaati peraturan yang telah ditetapkan
  10. Peserta yang melanggar peraturan yang sudah ditetapkan panitia akan didiskualifikasi dalam perlombaan
  11. Keputusan dewan juri dan panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat, peserta yang melanggar peraturan akan di diskualifikasi dari perlombaan

Teknis Perlombaan

  1. Peserta perlombaan maksimal 50 peserta
  2. Finalis perlombaan stand up comedy akan tampil pada saat acara puncak ENGLISH DAYS

Sistem Penilaian PerlombaanPenilaian dilakukan berdasarkan aspek berikut :

  1. Penampilan 
  2. Penguasaan panggung
  3. Kreatifitas lawak
  4. Ketepatan waktu (Durasi)

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Speech Competition


Competition Format

Speech Competition English Days consists of 3 rounds: preliminary round, semi final round and final round.

The Preliminary Round (Prepared Speech)

  1. The Participants will make their original speech in connection with theme  “The Importance of Preparing Our Selves to Face Globalization Era.
  2. The participants should prepare their own speech. Content of speech should be original, but citation of the data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
  3. No slide, video, or overhead project is allowed.
  4. The participants should not bring and read the text, but small outline paper is allowed (maximal 5cm x 7cm)
  5. For the preliminary round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech and give it to the adjudicator before come to the stage.

Semi Final (Prepared Speech)

  1. The participants will make their original speech.
  2. The theme of this round is “ Globalization is The Way to Welcoming The Modern Era”
  3. The participants who have performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage.
  4. There will be question and answer session after the participants end the speech.
  5. Content of speech should be original, but citation for data or research is allowed and should not be the major content.
  6. The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.
  7. For the semi final round, participants should prepare 3 hardcopies of their speech.

Final Round (Impromptu Speech)

  1. The participants will receive the same theme that is given by the committee. The theme will be given spontaneously and they must be prepared in the room.
  2. When the first participant is getting the theme and preparing for the speech, another participant  stay outside the room.
  3. Before being called to the stage, the other participants is not allowed to leave the quarantine room by any reason and should not use any gadget to prepare the speech and communicate with the people outside.
  4. The participant who has performed are allowed to watch the other participants on the stage, but not allowed to come to quarantine room.
  5. There will be question and answer session after the participant end the speech and only one question for each participant.
  6. Content of speech should be original.
  7. The participant should not bring the text, but small outline paper is allowed.


  1. All participants should wear dress formally: there are no jeans, no sandals, or slippery, no short pants, and no t-shirt
  2. All participants must attend the technical meeting 
  3. Participants must take their number of order of appearance for the preliminary round in the technical meeting
  4. During the whole rounds, the participants are not allowed to enter or out of the room without any permission from the committee.
  5. The participants will be disqualified if he / she does not appear after being called three times in the quarantine room.
  6. The competition will take place in UNILA
  7. During the performance of each contestant, the audience is not allowed to get out of the room or talk because it can disturb concentration and focus of the speaker.
  8. Please switch of your gadget that may produce disturbing sounds during the competition.
  9. The judges’ decision is final and cannot be altered by anyone else.
  10. Participants should keep the venue clean.
  11. Additional rules and regulations that are not mentioned yet might be added by the committee and will be discussed during the technical meeting.

Speech Timing
The Preliminary Round

  1. Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 7 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 7.20 minutes will get deduction point (3 points for each 15 seconds)
  2. Timing will start when the participant is uttering the first word on the stage.
  3. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes.
  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the fifth minute
  • A black flag will be displayed at the seventh minute and remains until 20 seconds.
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

The Semi Final Round

  1. Participants may deliver their speeches for 5 to 6 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 5 minutes or more than 6.20 minutes will get deduction point.
  2. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes

  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
  • A black flag will be displayed at the sixth minute and remains until 20 seconds.
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

Final Round

  1. Participant will get 5 minutes to prepare the speech
  2. Participant may deliver their speeches for 3 to 5 minutes. Participant who speaks less than 3 minutes or more than 5.20 will get deduction point.
  3. Time keeper will give signs (flags) on the certain minutes.
  • A white flag will be displayed at the first minute
  • A blue flag will be displayed at the third minutes
  • A black flag will be displayed at the fifth minute and remains until 20 seconds
  • The audience is allowed to give time warning for the participant but it should make no noise.

Scoring Criteria
1. Performance (General Appearance, Body gesture, Eye contact, Time punctuality)
2. Content (Originality, Structure)
3. Clarity of speech (Pronunciation)

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Scrabble Competition


A. Rundown

Saturday, November 21st 2015

08.00 am - 09.00 am : Reregistration
09.00 am - 10.00 am : Opening ceremony
10.00 am - 11.00 am : Preparation
11.00 am - 12.00 pm : Round 1(Australian Draw)
12.00 pm - 01.00 pm : Break
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm : Round 2(Australian Draw)
03.00 pm - 03.00 pm : Round 3(Australian Draw)

Sunday, November 22nd 2015

07.30 am - 08.00 am : Reregistration
08.00 am - 09.00 am : Round 4(Australian Draw)
09.00 am - 10.00 am : Round 5 (KOTH)
10.00 am - 11.00 am : Round 6 (KOTH)
11.00 am - 12.00 pm : Break
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm : Round 7 (KOTH)
02.00 pm - 03.00 pm : Break
03.00 pm - 05.00 pm  : Closing ceremony

B. Rule of Scrabble Competition

1. System : Tournament (Australian Draw & King-of-the-Hill)
2. Total Rounds : 7 rounds (4 Australian Draw, 3 KOTH)
3. Word Authority : CSW12
4. Penalty : 5 points per word which actually allowable
5. The rule is based on WESPA (http://www.wespa.org/rules/RulesV2nov11.pdf)
6. Time for each game is 40 minutes

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Newscast Competition


General Rules

  1. Every participant in this competition must be a senior high school student.
  2. The contents and materials used in this competition originated from the committee.
  3. Participants should remain outside the performing room that is designated by the committee until they are called to perform their news.
  4. Participants are not allowed to watch other participants’ performance.
  5. Every participant should be registered before the competition starts (at least 30 minutes earlier).
  6. Every participant or representative has to attend the Technical Meeting on the day.
  7. Dress accordingly for every round: formal dressed (includes shirt, pants, and shoes. Blazer and tie (men) are preferable) and semi formal dressed.
  8. Each participant will be called 3 times when their turn comes before considered as walk out.
  9. Every Participant will choose the news when the Committee already called the name of participant.
  10. Every participant should make their own opening and closing sentence.
  11. All judges'/adjudicators' decisions and results inside Result Sheets are considered as final.
  12. Properties categorized as sharp tools or dangerous weapons, liquids or powders that can litter performing room are prohibited.
  13. All participants should respect and appreciate every judgment from the judges.

Times of the Performance

  1. Timing will begin with the first word uttered by the contestant which would includes any other communication such as sound effects, a staged act, etc.
  2. The maximum time for delivering their news varies in each round. If a participant exceeds the performing time given, they will be deducted every 30 seconds of the exceeding time.
  3. Time keeper shall provide warning signals to the participants by clap his/her hands. First clap is one minute remaining

Competition Sytem


  1. The materials for the competition consist of news. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. Every Participant will read 1 news in the preliminary round.
  3. The maximum duration of each participant performance is 5 minutes (include opening and closing sentence).
  4. Preparation Time for this round is 2 minutes.
  5. Dress Code: Formal

SEMI FINAL ROUND (Sport News) – tag team

  1. The materials for the competition consist of 2 news letters. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. The Semi Finalist will be divided into 5 groups. Each group consist of 2 Participant. Every group must deliver 2 news in pairs.
  3. Preparation Time for this round is 3 minutes.
  4. The maximum duration is 8 minutes (include opening, closing sentence).
  5. The scoring will be individual and includes the collaboration of each participant.
  6. Dress Code: Semi Formal

FINAL ROUND (News Reading+Weather forecast)

  1. The materials for the competition consist of news and Weather forecast. The main news materials will given in small letters without reading marks.
  2. For the weather forecast, the participants will get a picture of some region, which display degrees, weather, and etc. And the participant must illustrate that picture (weather forecast) to the judges.
  3. Every participant will read 1 news and present weather forecast in the Final round.
  4. The minimum duration of each participant performance is 5 minutes, and maximum 8 minutes (include opening, closing sentence, and weather forecast).
  5. Dress Code: Formal

Scoring Criteria

  1. Performance (Self Presentation, Confidence, Gesture, Mimic, Expression and Eye Contact)
  2. Material (Intonation, Articulation, Tempo, Timing, Clarity)
  3. Ability in English (Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronounciation, Fluency)
  4. Appearance (Neatness, Clothes, Make up)

TD Newscasting of ENGLISH DAYS

#ENGLISHDAYS2015 Rules of Debate Competition

Debate Competition

The debate will consist of  two teams of three persons each (persons will be known as “members”), a chairperson (known as the “Speaker of the House” or “Mister/Madame Speaker” and an adjudicator or panel of adjudicators.

Teams will consist of the following members:
The Members of the government side are the following:

  1. Prime minister (PM): Opens the debate, defines the motion and advances arguments;
  2. Deputy Prime Minister(DPM): Refute at first instance the case of the opposition, reestablish the government’s claim, and advances arguments;
  3. Government whip(GW): Makes an issue-based rebuttal of the opposition’s case and summarizes the case of the government.

The Members of the Opposition side are the following:

  1. Leader of the Opposition(LO): Responds directly to the case of the government by giving a direct clash, and advances arguments. May challenge the motion if the definition is challengeable;
  2. Deputy Leader of the Opposition(DLO): Refutes the case of the DPM, reestablishes the case of the opposition, and advances an argument;
  3. Opposition Whip (OW): Makes an issues-based rebuttal of the government’s and summarizes the case of the opposition

Members will deliver substantive speeches in the following order:

  1. Prime Minister;
  2. Opposition Leader;
  3. Deputy Prime Minister;
  4. Deputy Opposition Leader;
  5. Government Whip;
  6. Opposition Whip.
  7. Reply Speaker of Opp
  8. Reply Speaker of Govt

Members will deliver a substantive speech of seven minutes duration and should offer points of information while members of the opposing teams are speaking

  1. The debate should commence 15 minutes after the motion is announced.
  2. Teams should arrive at their debate within five minutes of the scheduled starting time for that debate.
  3. Members are permitted to use printed or written material during preparation and during the debate. Printed material includes books, journals, newspapers and other similar materials. The use of electronic equipment is prohibited during preparation and in the debate.


  • Points of Information (questions directed to the member speaking) may be asked between first minute mark and the 6-minute mark of the members’ speeches (speeches are of seven minutes duration).
  • To ask a Point of Information, a member should stand, place one hand on his or her head and extend the other towards the member speaking. The member may announce that they would like to ask a “Point of Information” or use other words to this effect. The member who is speaking may accept or decline to answer the Point of Information.
  • Points of Information should not exceed 15 seconds in length.
  • The member who is speaking may ask the person offering the Point of Information to sit down where the offeror has had a reasonable opportunity to be heard and understood.

I. Following are the time limit for each speaker (in order)

  • 1st Government Speaker (Prime Minister) : 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • 1st Opposition Speaker (Leader of Opposition): 7mins 20 Seconds
  • Government 2nd Speaker (DPM): 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • Opposition 2nd Speaker (DPL): 7 mins 20 Seconds
  • e.Government Whip Speaker (GW): 7mins 20 Seconds
  • Opposition Whip Speaker (OW) : 7 mins20 Seconds
  • Reply speech of Opposition: 4 mins 20 Seconds
  • Reply speech of Government : 4 mins 20 Seconds

Reply speeches can be given only be the 1st or 2nd speaker of both the sides. Reply speech is a comparative analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the case of both sides. The aim of the speech is to give a bias judgment as to why should the people support the team’s claim. The speech is first delivered by the opposition side and followed by the government side who will close the debate.

  • At the conclusion of the debate, the adjudicators should confer and rank the teams
  • The team that win in a round deserve getting 1 Victory Point and zero for the team that lose in a round.

The rounds will be divided in to 7 rounds. They are : 3 preliminary rounds, quarter final, semi final round, final round, third winner championship

the motion will be launched on october, 28th 2015
Please kindly check our social media :
Blog    : englishsocietyunila.blogspot.com
twitter : @esounila